Multivis ADT VA 5W-30 is a synthetic technology lubricant, designed for use in the latest technology engines, including those fitted with exhaust gas after-treatment devices.
Multivis ADT VA 5W-30 has the following benefits:
Multivis ADT VA 5W-30 is recommended for the latest petrol and diesel engines, including turbocharged versions and those fitted with exhaust gas after-treatment devices such as particulate filters, catalytic converters, exhaust gas re-circulation, etc. May be used in all VAG vehicles employing fixed service or long life service maintenance schedules where the use of engine oils approved to VW 504.00 / 507.00 are specified and where VW 503.00/503.01/506.00/506.01 performance levels have previously been required. Multivis ADT VA 5W-30 may also be used in other manufacturer’s engine types requiring a lubricant of this viscosity grade and performance level.